About Matthias
Mr Matthias K Russ
Matthias K Russ specialises in primary and revision joint replacement of the hip and knee, general orthopaedic trauma, and trauma reconstruction of the pelvis and lower limb.
Mr Matthias K Russ is an experienced Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in primary and revision joint replacement of the hip and knee, general orthopaedic trauma, and trauma reconstruction of the pelvis and lower limb. He takes a highly personalised approach to each patient’s treatment, to provide the best possible patient experience as well as an optimal clinical outcome.
Mr Russ works with each patient to determine their most appropriate treatment options, considering each patient’s clinical situation as well as their personal, lifestyle, work and family needs.
From a surgical perspective, Mr Russ uses the most advanced surgical and planning techniques. These techniques include anterior hip replacement, a minimally invasive surgical approach that offers potential benefits during postoperative recovery; and patient-specific instrumentation and robot-assisted techniques that ensure accurate implant fit and position, customised for each patient’s specific anatomy.
Mr Russ provides comprehensive post-operative follow up, to guide patients as they return to their normal activities and ensure that they are satisfied with their recovery.
Mr Russ is an Adjunct Lecturer at Monash University, and he is collaborating with the US Navy and Monash University to design and evaluate new orthopaedic implants and methods for bone healing analysis.
As a former ironman triathlete, he appreciates the importance of joint health for maintaining a healthy and well balanced lifestyle. Outside of work, he enjoys sailing, open water swimming and cycling.